
What is Google AdSense and How Does it Work? – The Fanman Show

What is Google AdSense and How Does it Work
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What is Google AdSense and How Does it Work?

Here is everything you need to know about What is Google AdSense and how does it work? Let’s start with Google AdSense Definition and then its Working.

Follow the Google AdSense step by step guide index page to find out everything about AdSense.

Google AdSense Definition

Google AdSense is an Advertisement Placement Service Program controlled and managed by the Google Inc. itself for the website owners, bloggers and publishers who are eager to display ads (Textual, images, Videos) commonly interrelated with their content and earn money when traffic or the visitors come to their website/blog and perform clicks on the ads or only view the ads.

Google AdSense has always been the best and the Highest Pay Per Click network for earning through ads once activated on your webpage.

The Google AdSense Program was officially launched on June 18, 2003, and since then there has been not a single alternative I have ever found.

The basic idea behind AdSense was to monetize the web materials for the bloggers and the websites owners. Initially, it faced a lot of performance issues but with the passage of time Google not only fixed AdSense issues but proved it a highest profitable network across the world.

Now there are millions of people at the same time are earning through Google AdSense with Google as the Technology for Human Development which not only empowers you but to your family too.

Want to know more about Google AdSense then follow these links below:

Now let’s procced our article on how does Google AdSense Work?

How Does Google AdSense Work?

Google AdSense Program starts with the advertisers who select the best keywords of their own choice they want to advertise on.

For example, as an advertiser, you have started a business for Dog Sale Website then you would bid on your chosen keywords “Best Dogs for Sale in New York”, “Best Dogs Breeds for Sale in Hollywood” and “Dogs for Sale” etc.

  1. The AdSense spiders will compare your ads with:
  2. The Keywords that people type into Google and are displayed in the top results in Google
  3. Websites (like yours) that display AdSense ads.

The AdSense Spiders will crawl all the website to see what content they have. If the Google AdSense finds out some websites that have the similar content and containing the same keywords (ads) for which you have bid for, will be show up in those similar interest websites.

Final Words

Well, this is all about “what is Google AdSense and how does it work” with you.

Share your experience about this article on “What is Google AdSense and how does it work” if you have some other useful information, through the comments section.

Imran Chandio

A Passionate Blogger, Digital Marketing Expert, Founder, and CEO@ TheFanmanShow.Com

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