Table of Contents
- Google AdSense Account Banned
- How to Check Your Website is Banned from Using Google AdSense or not?
- Fully Understand AdSense TOS and Avoid violating AdSense Policies:
- 1. Avoid Invalid Clicks
- 2. Avoid Using AdSense on Unsupported Languages
- 3. Maximum Adsense Ads Unit on a Single Page
- 4. Avoid Sending AdSense Adverts Through Emails:
- 5. Avoid Tricks For Capturing the Attention of Users
- 6. Avoid Third Party Advertisements Programs
- 7. Do Not Try to Alter the AdSense Code
- 8. Do Not Provide Copyright Content at Your Blog
- 9. Avoid Linking to Illegal Website
- 10. Avoid Gaining Paid Traffic
- 11. Do Not Try to Deceive by Making Ads Appearance As Part Of Content:
- 12. Add A Small Article For Video Posting
- 13. Avoid Displaying AdSense On 404 Pages
- Final Words
Google AdSense Account Banned
Know the exact reasons to Avoid getting AdSense Account banned from Google AdSense also find a complete guide of Google TOS to run your Adsense smoothly.
Are you banned from Adsense and trying to create a new account? then wait! read the following article before you create a new Google AdSense Account.
My foremost suggestion to all my Fanman is that do not let your Google AdSense account banned.
As earlier in the introductory post and a complete guide of Everything You Need to Know About Google AdSense? I have discussed that where AdSense is the highest paying contextual ad network, there it has also some limitations and terms and conditions to proper use it.
Because AdSense has really very strict policies and TOS. If someone caught violating AdSense policies, then he can face AdSense Account Banned forever or he may be stick in partial trouble.
I would suggest that once Google AdSense account approved for your website or blog then you must be careful about getting AdSense account not banned.
So, its been seen that people not well aware of AdSense Terms and condition, they get their AdSense account banned.
To keep your AdSense account active all the time you need to act upon the Google AdSense policies.
This is why many publishers all around the world have been caught by violating the AdSense quality guidelines expressively mentioned in Google Panda 2011-2012 and got banned due to many reasons like copyrighting, invalid clicks, poor quality content etc.
So, always do the right things as according to the AdSense policies and TOS for enjoying the best paying ads to your blog website.
Now, let me mention few tools to check whether your website is banned from Google or not?
How to Check Your Website is Banned from Using Google AdSense or not?
Here are some Google AdSense banned checker Tools/Websites below to check if a website is banned from using AdSense or not?
- Banned Check
- AdSense Sandbox Checker
Now, let The Fanman Show discuss the common mistakes to avoid as AdSense publishers from getting AdSense Account banned by AdSense.
Fully Understand AdSense TOS and Avoid violating AdSense Policies:
Follow these suggestions to avoid AdSense account banned from Google AdSense.
1. Avoid Invalid Clicks
One of the biggest danger zones for the AdSense publishers where they get banned is the greed for making invalid clicks or self-clicks or un-natural clicks and many of you are searching a query “my AdSense account was disabled for invalid click activity” now what to do?
The fresh AdSense publishers are always in a try to get more clicks and find the invalid way of clicking on the ads.
What they do, for example, they ask their friends to make clicks on the ads by changing the IP addresses or from various locations.
If Google AdSense caught such un-natural activities, they disable the AdSense account for ensuring the safety of their advertisers or sometimes Adsense account is terminated completly.
This is not the case with the fresh publishers; many experienced publishers are involved in such extra illegal and fully violating activities which are always discouraged by the AdSense
2. Avoid Using AdSense on Unsupported Languages
If you are a new user and going to write the content of the blog in your native languages, then keep in mind Google does not support for the entire world known languages.
Some of the extra genius launch the multilingual websites/blog, also get approved for AdSense account and soon get banned, because they also display ads on unsupported languages.
So the important thing to consider about getting not banned for AdSense account is to make the necessary changes in the language of your blog as according with the AdSense Supported languages.
Find the latest list of AdSense supported language.
3. Maximum Adsense Ads Unit on a Single Page
I have already discussed in detail about the Maximum Allowed AdSense Ad Units On A Web Page Updated.
Anyhow, limit your AdSense unit up to 3 to a single webpage or with the latest AdSense policies you can use up to 6 or more AdSense units not exceeding to your content
4. Avoid Sending AdSense Adverts Through Emails:
There are numbered AdSense publishers who are continuously misleading the AdSense by sending AdSense adverts through email marketing.
If Google finds such irregular activities, a possible ban on AdSense account is definite to happen.
5. Avoid Tricks For Capturing the Attention of Users
Do not create your advertisements so appealing for attaining definite clicks like, click here to see your soul mate or click to see the sexy babes, Click to win free iPhone 7 Plus etc.
You must also avoid showing AdSense ads in the pop-ups on your web pages compelling the reader to click on those ads.
6. Avoid Third Party Advertisements Programs
When working with Google AdSense then you must stay away from third-party AdSense programs like:
- Chitika
- Infolinks
- Yahoo Ads
- Clickbank
- Amazon Affiliate
7. Do Not Try to Alter the AdSense Code
Don’t try to be over-smart and stay away from changing the AdSense approved code for displaying ads because it is strictly not allowed by the Google AdSense.
If you customize the image given in codes with the adjacent images related to your blog and get caught by the Google then it can result in a ban to your AdSense account.
8. Do Not Provide Copyright Content at Your Blog
Strictly avoid uploading the copyrighted content and make it available to your blog/website visitors to download like audio, videos (songs and movies), pictures, software etc.
9. Avoid Linking to Illegal Website
Do not ever link your website/blog to a website which is running illegal, copyrighted and pirated content, such as sites streaming copyright movies, allowing download pirated software etc.
Below is the list of some categorical websites which you should avoid in order to not getting your AdSense account banned:
- Websites expressing violence
- Websites having racial content
- Websites with porn or adult material
- websites providing hacking/cracking tools
- websites dealing in selling drugs alcohol or other inhuman products
- Gambling/Casino websites
- Websites selling weapons and ammunition
So, strictly avoid linking on the above exemplary categorical sites there are so many other categories, you have to consider while linking your site.
Let me sum up, just avoid linking to the sites which are involved in unethical activities, in order to rum your AdSense account smoothly.
10. Avoid Gaining Paid Traffic
If you are buying traffic for your AdSense enabled sites, it’s not permitted according to AdSense TOS.
Also, consider reading AdSense landing page Quality guidelines, which will give you ample amount of idea, what Google expect from your pages.
Adsense does not allow buying traffic for an AdSense enabled blog websites.
So stay away from paying for automated link building companies and their various kinds of internet marketing software. Because Google AdSense is always expecting a normal and organic traffic towards your site.
People always ask me for promoting blog posts on social media is a violation or not?
Then I humbly say “it’s not a violation but a plus point and even Google gives more value when involving socially and marketing your content with nationally and internationally on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Tumblr and Reddit etc.
11. Do Not Try to Deceive by Making Ads Appearance As Part Of Content:
Publishers are independent in formatting Ads sizes and color of their own choices but please keep in mind that it should not look like the part of the webpage content like mirroring ads as content.
12. Add A Small Article For Video Posting
If you are going to use video tutorials for your blog posts then try to use the 200 to 300 words of description about that video.
13. Avoid Displaying AdSense On 404 Pages
Do not put AdSense on an error page of 404 or page not found because your AdSense account may be banned whenever noticed by the Google while crawling your website.
Final Words
We have discussed all the possible recommendation, in order to avoid AdSense Account Banned partially or fully.
share your experience about the article ” How to Avoid getting AdSense Account banned from Google AdSense also find a complete guide of Google TOS to run your Adsense smoothly.” through your comments in the comments section below.