
Unmonetized YouTube Channels: A Guide to Finding Success on the Platform

Three types of channels that never get monetized
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Want to make money on YouTube faster?

Here are three things to avoid!

Many YouTubers want to earn money by showing ads on their videos, but sometimes their channels need to be approved. YouTube checks everything on a channel, like titles and thumbnails, to see if it’s okay for ads.

If it is, YouTubers can make money from ads and fans.

Related: how much YouTubers make per 1000 views and 1,000,000 views

In this comprehensive article, we’ll guide you on which types of YouTube channels never get monetized. Here are the quick key points that we are going to explain:

Quick Highlights

  • Copycat Channels: These channels steal videos or ideas from others. YouTube wants fresh, original content, not just copies.
  • Repeat Offenders: Uploading the same video with different titles or showing the same short clip over and over can get boring for viewers. YouTube needs more engaging content.
  • Violation of the Rules: Channels that blatantly spread lies or promote negative content will result in trouble and loss of monetization opportunities on YouTube. It is important to follow the rules and maintain good behavior.

Why do some channels fail this test? Because they break important YouTube rules and indulge in serious policy violations. Let’s discuss each type of YouTube Channels which never get Monetized: 

1. Why Channels with 100% Reused Content Strike Out

Avoid Reusing Video Content

Want to earn Money on YouTube? Don’t just copy other people’s videos! Instead, upload real and engaging content and optimize your YouTube with SEO tactics to make the most out of it.
Many creators take funny clips that are already popular and upload them again without changing them. YouTube doesn’t like this, and the end result may be demonetization or not getting monetized at all. Here’s what YouTube Help Center says about 100% reused and copied content:

“The spirit of this policy is to ensure we reward creators for original and authentic content that adds value to viewers. We allow reused content if viewers can tell a meaningful difference between the original and your video.”

Why Channels with Reused Content Do Not Make Money

YouTube loves fresh and exciting video content from the creators. It wouldn’t be fair to give money to someone who copies another person’s video, like taking someone else’s toy and showing it off without doing anything fun.

The creators who are involved in stealing others’ YouTube video content should also prepare themselves for serious consequences, which can lead to a copyright strike.

Examples of Reused Content

  • Mashup Mania: It’s not cool to catch funny moments from different videos and combine them in one enormous video.
  • Meme Machine on Repeat: Sharing popular memes without adding your funny spin or ideas is a no-go.
  • Movie Magic, Not Yours: You can only upload clips from your favorite shows or movies if you have permission.
  • Music Mix-up: Putting together songs from different singers without their okay is a big no-no.

2. YouTube Channels with Repetitious Videos

YouTube policies regarding repetitive content

As a professional YouTube creator, do not be involved in downloading YouTube videos created by others and uploading them to your channel, as you are the real owner. Rather, you must abide by YouTube policies regarding repetitive content (like the same titles, descriptions, thumbnails, and video clips again and again). Rather, YouTube wants to keep things interesting for viewers; they prefer casual channels.

This means avoiding videos that look and sound too similar.

While it’s okay to have a signature intro or outro or even reference past videos in new ones, the heart of your content should be fresh.

Using AI to create your videos is ultimately a bad idea. Let your creativity shine through! AI tools can be great helpers but should be something other than your unique personality and ideas.

YouTube Help Center has a clear statement about repetitive content:

“Repetitious content refers to channels where the content is so similar that viewers may have trouble spotting the difference between videos on the same channel. If you have many videos that violate our guidelines, monetization may be removed from your entire channel.”

Why YouTube Channels with Repetitious Videos are Not Making Money

YouTube platform wants channels with exciting and new videos because that’s where people will watch and see the ads. If a channel repeats the same stuff repeatedly, it gets boring, and advertisers will want to avoid paying to be there. So, to make Money on YouTube, keep your videos fresh and interesting!


  • Don’t Repeat the Same Short Clip Repeatedly, including things like rain sounds or wind blowing for a long time. It gets boring!
  • No Copy-Pasting Your Videos! Uploading the same video with different titles and pictures isn’t allowed.
  • Make Slideshows Special:  Don’t use the same template, text, and images every time. You must have to add your twist!
  • Be Your Voice! Don’t use AI software like Text to Speech to read someone else’s content.

3. YouTube’s Community Guidelines

violating youtube's community guidelines

The road to YouTube monetization is paved with quality content and strict adherence to the platform’s Community Guidelines. These guidelines ensure a safe and positive environment for creators and viewers alike. Some channels veer off course by creating content that violates these guidelines, effectively slamming the door on monetization opportunities. 

What YouTube says about community guidelines:

“If a YouTube creator’s on- and off-platform behavior harms our users, community, employees, or ecosystem, we may respond based on several factors including, but not limited to, the egregiousness of their actions and whether a pattern of harmful behavior exists. Our response will range from suspending a creator’s privileges to account termination.”

Why Can’t These Channels Earn Money on YouTube?

Imagine a company selling yummy ice cream (advertiser). They wouldn’t want their ice cream advertised next to mean videos or ones that tell people untrue things, right?

YouTube feels the same way! They want to keep things safe and positive for everyone. Channels that spread hate and lies or encourage lousy behavior are risky for advertisers. Companies don’t want to be associated with that because it might hurt their reputation.

Here are some examples of things that can get a channel in trouble:

  • Telling made-up stories, especially about important things like health or elections.
  • Making videos to be mean to someone or a group of people.
  • Encouraging people to use drugs or do dangerous things.
  • Showing videos that could put kids at risk.
  • pen_spark

Want to make Money on YouTube? Here’s the secret:

  • Be yourself! People love watching real people having fun.
  • Be creative! Make new and exciting videos, not just copies of other channels.
  • Don’t give up! Making a successful channel takes time and effort, so keep at it!

YouTube loves channels that tick these boxes and make videos people enjoy watching. These can be anything from teaching new things to showing off your daily life, reviewing excellent products, or telling stories. The possibilities are endless! By following these tips, you’re on your way to YouTube monetization!

Policies of YouTube Channel Monetization

Making Money on YouTube in Russia changed in 2022.

  • Starting new channels to make Money with ads: This isn’t possible for people in Russia right now.
  • Existing channels: If you already have a channel set up for ads, you can still earn money from views outside Russia.

With the war in Ukraine, things changed for YouTube channels in Russia in 2022:

  • No more ads for viewers in Russia: Videos won’t show ads to people watching in Russia itself.
  • Making Money through features like memberships is paused: This means things like channel memberships, Super Chat (donations during livestreams), Super Stickers (animated contributions), and selling merch through YouTube won’t work for viewers in Russia for now.

25 Feb 2022, the war in Ukraine, YouTube stopped channels funded by the Russian government from making Money on the platform. This means these channels couldn’t earn Money from ads or other features like sponsorships.


The world of YouTube beckons with the promise of creativity, community, and financial reward. But before you embark on your journey, understanding the platform’s monetization system is crucial. This guide has shed light on three types of channels that are unlikely ever to see ad revenue. The channels are built on 100% reused content, those overflowing with repetitive content, and creators who stray from YouTube’s Community Guidelines. The viewers crave originality, value, and a safe space for entertainment and information. You’ll avoid these monetization roadblocks by creating high-quality, engaging content that follows YouTube’s guidelines.

Muhammad Ahsan