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Types of Search Engine Optimization
There are two major factors involved in a successful SEO campaign for any kind of websites.
1. On Page SEO or On-Site SEO
2. Off Page SEO or Off-Site SEO
On Page SEO
On-Site SEO is the process of optimizing an ideal and appealing website for the search engines as well as for the user. So whatever you are presenting in your web page is useful or not and which metrics and technical codes you are relying to make your website.
Evaluation is done differently by both search engines and humans. Some factors are common e.g. page load time and quality content both matters for human and engines but how beautiful your site is only determined by the humans. So no doubt the design of the website should be attractive but the Search Engine is more bending towards the technical points behind the website.
Off – Page SEO
While in Off Site SEO the web owner/publisher or the webmaster has no direct control over his web page ranking but the Search Engines do! i.e., Google, Bing, Yahoo and All the other Search Engines rank your web-page as accordingly with the technical instructions/signaling provided while designing/developing the complete website with more relevant content.
However the Off-Page SEO story doesn’t end here and beyond the On-Page-SEO, there involve many factors for the right signaling to the Search Engines for the best and higher rank in their SERP.
Onsite SEO Example