
Zong Free Instagram Offer for First 3 Days – Mobile Internet Package

Zong Free Instagram Offer
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Zong Free Instagram Offer for First 3 Days – Mobile Internet Package

Sign up to Instagram and avail Zong Free Instagram Offer for First 3 Days. Upload and stream photos free on Instagram on Zong Internet Packages 2018.

Zong Free Instagram Package

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Free Photo Streaming

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Just Sign Up to Instagram

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3 Days


Eligibility Video Streaming Photo Streaming
Prepaid Customers only Not Allowed Allowed

Zong has always offered the best internet packages to its subscribers and this is the reason which makes Zong the Pakistan’s No.1 data network.

This time too, Zong is keeping up the tradition of bringing from the best Zong 4g internet packages which is Zong free Instagram Package.

Zong Free Instagram Offer allows you to use Zong official Instagram free for the first three days of first time signing up to Instagram social media application.

Now install the Official Instagram app in your smartphones and avail this Zong Free Instagram Offer for first three days absolutely free.

The Fanman Show Recommendations:


How to Subscribe Zong Free Instagram Offer

There is no subscription code for Zong Free Instagram Offer.

You just need to sign up to Instagram using your Zong Number only. (if you don’t already have any account on Instagram with that number)

How to Create an Account on Instagram:

Follow the steps below to create a new account on Instagram with your Zong number to avail FREE Instagram for 3 Days:

The Instagram installation method is for both on Android and iOS

  • Download and install Android and iOS app in your iOS and Android devices respectively

  • Open app in your smartphone

  • Enter your Zong Mobile Number

  • Enter Full Name

  • Enter User Name in the required field

  • Enter Password

  • Click Sign Up Button

Congratulations! You have successfully created a free account on Instagram and can use Instagram free for the next 3 days.

Zong Free Instagram Package Details

  • Zong Free Instagram offer is available for prepaid customers only

  • Photos browsing is free on this Zong Instagram Package

  • Videos streaming on Instagram will be charged as per standard package plans

  • Customer will be offered 3 Days of Free Instagram usage on their handsets. Customers have to make a new Instagram account using Zong network. (no CTA or USSD required)

We have discussed the Zong Free Instagram Package with you so far! This offer is only available for those users who don’t have opened an account at Instagram in your whole lifetime. So Zong is trying to bring you on this Social Media for free.

If you love this “Zong Free Instagram Package”, then share it with your friends and family on your social media profiles so that all Zong Subscribers can get benefit from this offer.

Imran Chandio

A Passionate Blogger, Digital Marketing Expert, Founder, and CEO@ TheFanmanShow.Com

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