
Jazz Daily YouTube Package and Social Offer for Facebook and Whatsapp

Jazz Daily Social Offer Jazz Daily Internet Package for Social Activities
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Jazz Daily YouTube Package and Social Offer for Facebook and Whatsapp

Subscribe to Jazz Daily YouTube Package and Social Offer for just Rs. 20 including tax and get 1500 MBs for your daily social activities on YouTube, Facebook and Whatsapp.

In our previous articles, we have discussed different Jazz Internet Packages in 2018 such as:

But now, we have a topic about “jazz daily social bundle” through which you will get 1500 MBs to activate the jazz Facebook package in 2022 and Jazz Whatsapp Package in 2022

Jazz Daily Social Offer is available for both prepaid Jazz and Warid users who will have Jazz daily internet package (2G, 3G, and 4G) for various social activities.

Jazz Daily YouTube Package and Social Offer for Facebook and Whatsapp

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Jazz Daily YouTube Package and Social Offer for Prepaid Customers

Prepaid customers can dial *443# for the internet menu.

Jazz Daily YouTube Package and Social Offer for Postpaid Customers

Postpaid customers can dial *446# for the internet menu.

Terms and Conditions

Before subscribing to the jazz daily social bundle read the following terms and conditions carefully.

  • The price for the offer is inclusive of tax
  • Check the remaining balance of the social bundle free of cost
  • On expiration, you need to again subscribe to this offer
  • Enjoy 2G, 3G, and 4G internet on this Jazz daily internet package
  • The internet speed will vary from time to time, location to location and cell phone to cell phone, web pages accessed, etc.
  • You will pay Rs. 1/MB on overage
  • You will pay Rs. 3.59/MB on 512 KB Pulse speed, when not subscribed to any packages

We have discussed Jazz Daily Social Offer which is a Jazz Daily internet package for social activities especially.

If you love this post “Jazz Daily Whastapp package and Jazz Daily Facebook Package 2022” then share it with your friends and family in your social circle.

More Jazz Packages:

  1. Jazz Call Packages
  2. Jazz SMS Packages
  3. Jazz Internet Packages
  4. Jazz 4G Devices Packages
  5. Jazz Weekly SMS Bundle 
  6. Jazz Call Package Daily
  7. Jazz Monthly Call Package
  8. Jazz SMS Package 1 Day
  9. Jazz Monthly SMS Package with WhatsApp
Imran Chandio

A Passionate Blogger, Digital Marketing Expert, Founder, and CEO@ TheFanmanShow.Com

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