HTML Meta Tags
Meta tags usually were planned as a proxy for information regarding site’s content. Some vital Meta Tags are mentioned below.
1. Title Tags:
It is a vital part regarding On-Site Optimization, the search engines and the humans both uses it to understand what the page is about.
So the title of the page or of the content must be unique, accurate and relevant to the topic.
Most of the Search Engines and the Social Media only show the first 65 to 75 characters in SERP and at the end it display the ellipsis “…” to indicate that the remaining part is been cut off.
The long tail and keyword phrase are recommended for ranking higher in Search Results.
2. Meta Description:
a) The Meta Description is more leaning towards how would you like to be shown in the search engines results. It is often called the short description of a certain page, a website and is ignored by the search engines for ranking. However, It is a snippet of text under the title tag and shown in the search result.
b) The Meta Description tag is an extremely important part of search marketing and is a call for drawing the searchers towards your website from the series of results. Try to create an appealing, readable description by the usage of important/vital keywords that will produce a higher CTR of searchers to your website.
c) Meta Description can be of any length but it should be limited to 160 characters as the search engines will make a rich snippet of this and the other part exceeding the limit will be cut off.
d) The more descriptive rich snippet the more visibility towards the page central idea and search engine and human both give value to it.
e) If Meta description is not used on certain page then the engine will create the search snippet from some other page targeting to multiple keywords and topics.
3. Meta Keywords:
It is once upon a time that Meta keywords were important to the search engines but these have no value in the current algorithms of the Google engine. We will discuss this in our later topics that why the search engines have diminish their importance to them.
4. Header Tags
There are 1 to 6 heading tag available in the HTML code. The header tags are used to make headline/outline of the page describing what the page is about. It has also impact on the user readability and understanding the page theme idea as well as for the search engine to give a ranking signal. Using the right keywords in the header tag will increase the chance of visibility against those words in the search engine result page.

Use first three (1-3) tags as necessary in the web page but the order matters here. If you have a main headline then use H1, and if you have a sub headline then use H2.